Cottage Floor Plans & Prices in New Jersey

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Your Cozy Cottage Is Waiting

Peace, comfort, and ease are at the heart of our mission. Senior Living Reimagined™ is a promise to rethink the way we approach retirement residences. We create pocket neighborhoods made up of private Cottages filled with all the comforts of home: user-friendly appliances, bright, airy spaces, peaceful front porches, and personal green space.

Explore our detailed floor plans below to find the design that meets your needs. Choose from studio, 1-, or 2-bedroom homes equipped with amenities. Fill your cottage with memories thanks to our “Home to Home” policy and move-in support to welcome you to your new community. Once you’ve arrived, take advantage of your included 2 hours of home care support to help you settle.

Ready to make the move? Click the button below to discuss your preferred floor plan with our team.

How We’re Different

Our pocket neighborhoods combine the peace of mind of a private home with the comfort of community. Get to know your neighbors with planned events and shared amenities.

Floor Plans

Enjoy community areas, discover secluded spaces, and explore professionally manicured walking paths before retreating to your private cottage to rest and relax.

The Live Well Lifestyle

Enjoy 2 hours per week of in-home care from certified nurse assistants (CNAs) and certified senior care aides (CSCAs) as part of your monthly rent. 

Home Care

Coming Fall Of 2024

Find us on S. Orchard Road, just North from Inspira Health.

Our Address

  • 2585 S. Orchard Road
  • Vineland, NJ 08360

Contact Information

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